Work in Devens
Devens is a world-class destination for companies in leading industries, with a concentration of technology, advanced manufacturing, and the life sciences. Discover the power of an affordable, supportive environment designed to help businesses grow.
Business Services
The Assessor’s office is committed to maintaining an assessment system that Devens’ taxpayers can look to as fair, equitable, and responsive to the community’s revenue needs.
Board of Assessors
Dave Abdoo, Chairman
Don Frye
Marty Poutry
Current Tax Rates
Residential: $12.55
Commercial/Industrial: $17.27
For questions related to Municipal Lien Certificates or Real Estate Tax bills, please email the Accounts Receivable Department.
- Municipal Lien Certificate (MLC) requests should be sent to the attention of Accounts Receivable, 33 Andrews Parkway, Devens, MA 01434. MLC fees are $50 and $200 for residential and commercial properties, respectively. Please make checks payable to MassDevelopment.
All other inquiries should be emailed to Lisa Kalinowski, MassDevelopment.
Business Development
MassDevelopment offers financing and real estate solutions to support the growth of businesses and nonprofits across Massachusetts. Our financing capabilities can help your project at every stage, from predevelopment to construction-to-permanent financing.
- Tax-exempt bonds help you finance projects at the lowest possible rates. A bond can be sold on the capital markets or placed directly with a borrower’s bank as the lender.
- Commercial loans help you renovate or build commercial, industrial, or residential rental real estate or purchase equipment. Advance rates can be up to 90% for real estate and 100% for new manufacturing equipment. Term working capital loans are also available for manufacturing and technology companies.
- Guarantees are financing mechanisms that help primary lenders advance larger loans against collateral for real estate and equipment projects.
Kelly Arvidson, MassDevelopment
Mobile: 774-312-3733
Massachusetts Office of Business Development
Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD) is the state agency responsible for strengthening Massachusetts’ competitive economic position by providing information on a wide range of programs including financing, technical assistance, and workforce development.
Kevin Kuros, Regional Director - Central Mass
Massachusetts Office of Business Development
Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce
Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to enhancing local economic vitality and quality of life in the Nashoba Valley area by promoting leadership, support, and networking within the business community.
Melissa Fetterhoff, President & CEO
Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce
North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce
North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic business organization with a mission to advance the economic development of the north central region by creating and sustaining relationships among businesses and between businesses and communities.
Roy Nascimento, President & CEO
North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce
MassDevelopment’s Engineering Services supports the Devens community and is responsible for parcel development, address assignments, capital construction projects (such as roads), and maintaining the Devens GIS system.
Complete Streets
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) established a funding program to encourage municipalities to regularly and routinely include “Complete Streets” design elements and infrastructure locally. A Complete Street provides safe and accessible options for all travel modes, including walking, biking, public transit, and private vehicles, for all ages and abilities. The previously adopted "Devens Complete Streets Policy" which incorporated principles that contribute to the overall safety, health, economic viability, and quality of life of the community has been updated to incorporate sustainable Green Streets design elements such as green stormwater infrastructure, shade trees, and the use of recycled materials, to protect and create a healthier natural and social environment, improve air and water quality, and help reduce localized flooding. The Devens Green and Complete Streets Policy will be applied to projects previously identified in the Devens Complete Streets Prioritization Plan and to other projects undertaken throughout Devens.
Planning & Zoning
The Devens Enterprise Commission acts as the regulatory and permitting authority for the community. Its role is to administer and enforce the reuse plan, bylaws, regulations, and sustainability vision. The commission functions as a board of health, conservation commission, zoning board of appeals, historic district commission, and planning board.
Devens Enterprise Commission
33 Andrews Parkway, Devens
978-772-8831 ext. 3313
Stormwater Management
The Devens Department of Public Works & Recreation maintains the public stormwater system in Devens. The system provides for the collection and treatment of rainwater runoff from public buildings and roads.
Stormwater runoff is rainfall and melting snow that is not absorbed into the ground and instead runs over land until it finds its way to sensitive water resources including wetlands, rivers, ponds, and streams. As it flows over land, driveways, parking lots, and roads, it can pick up material such as trash, excess fertilizer, oil, salt, and sand. A carefully designed and properly maintained stormwater system keeps our environment clean and protects our water resources.
If you have questions or comments regarding the Devens stormwater system, please email
Think Blue Massachusetts
A statewide educational campaign to help residents and businesses do their part to reduce polluted runoff and keep our state’s lakes, rivers, and streams clean and healthy.
The Devens Reuse Plan outlines a thoughtful guideline for the Devens road network. Jackson Road is the primary north/south roadway providing a connection from West Main Street in Ayer, and other areas north of Devens, to Route 2 at Interchange 37. Barnum Road connects Routes 2A, 110, and 111 from the Ayer rotary to Patton Road and Jackson Road. Hospital Road connects Front Street in Shirley to Jackson Road.
MassDevelopment’s environmental mission in Devens is to ensure that the land once used and impacted as a former military base becomes and remains suitable for productive reuse whether it be for recreational, open space, industrial, or residential purposes. We work closely with the U.S. Army, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), and local stakeholders.
Resources for Environmental Due Diligence
Devens maintains a repository of current and historical documents that may be helpful for property owners and prospective property owners performing due diligence work.
For assistance, please contact:
Anne Marie Dowd, Environmental Project Engineer
33 Andrews Parkway, Devens
Former Fort Devens Superfund Site
The Fort Devens Superfund Site was listed on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Priorities List in 1989. The U.S. Army and EPA signed a Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) in 1991. Under the FFA, the U.S. Army is considered the lead agency and EPA provides oversight as the lead regulatory agency. Although not a signatory to the FFA, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has a participatory role in the investigation and remediation process. The U.S. Army holds primary responsibility for investigation, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of all removal, response, and remedial actions performed at the former military base.
Historical Contamination
The U.S. Army evaluates Study Areas across the former federal facility where releases of contaminants are suspected or known to have occurred and determines whether those areas pose a threat or potential threat to human health and the environment and warrant more detailed investigation. Of the 324 sites initially identified by the Army, 54 required cleanups.
Environmental Cleanup
Of the 54 sites identified as needing cleanup, all have been evaluated and either removed from further evaluation/action or have cleanup plans in place. Most of these sites are in the long-term monitoring phase, where groundwater, surface water, and/or sediments are regularly monitored. Sites where contamination remains above levels that allow for unrestricted use/unlimited exposure have land-use controls in place and are inspected annually. Sites with ongoing cleanup actions must be evaluated at least every five years to ensure that the selected cleanup action remains protective of human health and the environment.
Devens Regional Enterprise Zone
The end result of the Superfund process at Devens is to clean up land that was once considered contaminated and return it to productive use. To date, approximately 1,080 acres have been transferred to other federal agencies and almost 3,000 acres have been transferred to MassDevelopment. MassDevelopment, in turn, transfers the land to private parties for commercial, industrial, residential, recreational, open space, and other positive uses.
Current PFAS Remedial Investigation
In response to EPA comments, the U.S. Army performed an Expedited Site Investigation in 2016 to evaluate the possible presence of emerging contaminants known as poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), specifically two PFAS — perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) — at the former Fort Devens. The study also included sampling of Devens and nearby municipal water supply wells. Based on initial data collected, the U.S. Army, MassDevelopment, MassDEP, and EPA agreed that a more comprehensive site-wide investigation was warranted. In 2018, the U.S. Army commenced a site-wide PFAS Remedial Investigation that included collection of soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment samples and municipal water supply well samples to identify possible source areas and delineate the full extent of PFOA/PFOS contamination within and beyond former base boundaries. This investigation is ongoing. While the Army conducts its PFAS investigation, MassDevelopment decided to act early and independently to treat all of its drinking water wells so that PFAS levels in the finished drinking water are below state and federal regulatory limits. Please see Utilities for more information on Devens’ drinking water supply.
Public Information and Participation
The U.S. Army holds quarterly Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meetings to update the public on the status of the cleanup. The EPA, MassDEP, MassDevelopment, and the People of Ayer Concerned about the Environment are regular attendees.
Permits & Licensing
Building Within Devens
The Devens Enterprise Commission is a multipurpose regulatory authority and is responsible for issuing all building, plumbing, gas, electric, sign, and food service permits – as well as liquor licenses – for the Devens community.
Devens Enterprise Commission
33 Andrews Parkway, Devens
Doing Business in Devens
In accordance with Massachusetts law, any person conducting a business under a name other than his/her own name is required to file a Business Certificate with their Town Clerk’s office to register the business at the address where business is to be conducted. An individual must be 18 years of age or older to legally sign a business certificate.
Ayer Town Clerk
One Main Street, Ayer
Harvard Town Clerk
13 Ayer Road, Harvard
978-456-4100 ext. 316
Public Safety
Devens Fire Department
The Devens Fire Department protects life and property through fire prevention, education, and suppression. The department of 21 firefighters is trained in the latest techniques of firefighting, including emergency medical services, rescue, fire prevention, and inspection.
Devens Fire Department
Timothy Kelly, Fire Chief
182 Jackson Road, Devens
Emergency: 911
Non-emergency Assistance: 978-772-4600
Obtaining a Permit
Completed permit applications can be dropped off or mailed to the Devens Fire Station. If you would prefer to email, please send to Captain Todd Whittier.
All major credit cards are accepted by phone. Call 978-772-4600. Checks are payable to MassDevelopment. The Devens Fire Station is open Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Emergency Management
Devens residents and businesses can register for free to receive real-time localized emergency alerts provided by OnSolve. The platform delivers timely messaging and critical communications when needed.
Massachusetts State Police
MassDevelopment contracts with the Massachusetts State Police to serve the Devens community. Customary policing includes detecting, deterring, reporting, and investigation of trespassing, theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities. The State Police also provides traffic enforcement, investigation of motor vehicle crashes, and responses to emergency 911 calls.
Massachusetts State Police
Lt. Keith Pruett, Station Commander
Sgt. Dana Oliver, Station Patrol Supervisor
Trooper James A. Fitzgerald, Station Investigator
59 Buena Vista Street, Devens
Emergency: 911
Non-emergency Assistance: 978-772-8800
Public Works
The Department of Public Works & Recreation (DPW) in Devens maintains 60 miles of roads and 500 acres of grounds along with various recreational, municipal, and leased facilities. Devens Animal Control also operates out of this department.
Department of Public Works (DPW) & Recreation
(includes Devens Animal Control)
Shane Melone, Director
Beau Forgues, Foreman
Andrew Pelletier, Foreman
Melissa Finlay, Administrative Assistant
99 Buena Vista Street, Devens
Composting at Home
It's easy to compost in Devens! DPW offers rodent-resistant, low-cost home composting bins for $25 and kitchen buckets for $5. To purchase, please call DPW at 978-772-1864 or email Melissa Finlay directly at
For educational composting information provided by MassDEP, visit Home Composting & Green Landscaping.
Dog/Pet License
Annual registration begins June 1. All dogs over the age of six months and living in Devens must be vaccinated for rabies and licensed by Devens Animal Control. The license is good from July 1 to June 30 and must be renewed every year in June.
Dog/Pet License Fees
- $5/year, neutered or spayed dogs
- $10/year, non-neutered or non-spayed dogs
- $4/year, other animals
- $15/month late fee, mandated animals
- FREE, Seeing-Eye, Hearing, or Service dogs
Devens Recreation staff works year-round to provide businesses, residents and visitors with special events and community activities. Learn more.
Devens residents, businesses, and their employees can safely dispose of a wide variety of items at the Devens Recycling Center, open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Devens Recycling Center
99 Buena Vista Street, Devens
Wood Cutting
Wood cutting permits are issued to Devens residents for personal use only, for the cutting of downed trees in designated areas. Permits are valid for a 14-day period.
Yard Waste
DPW picks up grass clippings, leaves, and tree limbs from residential areas every Monday from April through November. In the event of a Monday holiday, curbside pickup will take place on Tuesday.
- Yard waste should be placed at the curb, in front of the house.
- Leaves and grass clippings should be packaged in biodegradable paper bags with no trash or sand.
- Branches and limbs should be cut into lengths of not more than four feet and bundled together.
- Christmas trees are picked up the first two Mondays in January.
Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MART) operates a shuttle service connecting the Fitchburg Commuter Rail Line with Devens, Ayer, Fitchburg, Leominster, and Shirley that supports the region’s existing transportation offerings and provides a more convenient and affordable transportation option to and from Devens. The shuttle features daily morning and evening runs during the week and provides an “on-demand” weekend service.
Devens businesses are encouraged to contact the Devens Enterprise Commission for more information on how they can benefit from this affordable and efficient transportation option for their employees.
Bike Lanes
Devens has more than five miles of dedicated bike lanes, providing additional recreation and commuting options on a network of safer, more complete streets for residents, businesses, and visitors.
Support for Electric Vehicles
As part of our ongoing sustainability efforts, the Devens community offers two ChargePoint EV charging stations located in the parking lot behind 33 Andrews Parkway and one ChargePoint EV charging station located in the parking lot at 88 Jackson Road.
Trash & Recycling
Devens does not provide municipal curbside trash pickup. Trash haulers are independently contracted by a neighborhood homeowners association or a Devens business.
Alpine Property Management
12 Damonmill Square, Concord MA 01742
Composting at Home
It's easy to compost in Devens! DPW offers rodent-resistant, low-cost home composting bins for $25 and kitchen buckets for $5. To purchase, please call DPW at 978-772-1864 or email Melissa Finlay directly at
For educational composting information provided by MassDEP, visit Home Composting & Green Landscaping.
Devens Department of Public Works & Recreation (DPW) manages a recycling center drop-off location for Devens residents, businesses, and employees that allows for the safe and timely disposal of a wide variety of items.
Devens Recycling Center
99 Buena Vista Street, Devens
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Hazardous Products Collection Center
The Devens Regional Household Hazardous Products Collection Center (Devens HHW) is open to residents and prequalified businesses in Devens. A list of acceptable materials can be found on its website. Please call ahead with any questions.
Devens HHW
9 Cook Street, Devens
Hours of Operation
First Wednesday and following Saturday of every month
9 a.m. – noon
The Devens Eco-Efficiency Center
The Eco-Efficiency Center provides educational forums, technical assistance, networking venues, and partnership opportunities to help businesses and organizations protect natural, material, human, and capital resources. The nonprofit has been helping industrial, commercial, and service entities improve the sustainability of their operations since 2008.
Devens Eco-Efficiency Center
33 Andrews Parkway, Devens
978-772-8831 x3304
The Great Exchange
This award-winning program prevents the waste of unneeded items and provides saving opportunities for small businesses, municipalities, and nonprofits by providing access to a wide variety of new and like-new supplies, furniture, and fixtures at two locations in Devens.
The Great Exchange
33 Andrews Parkway, Devens and 100 Sherman Avenue, Devens
978-772-8831 x3304
Yard Waste
DPW picks up grass clippings, leaves, and tree limbs from residential areas every Monday from April through November. In the event of a Monday holiday, curbside pickup will take place on Tuesday.
- Yard waste must be placed at the curb, in front of the house.
- Leaves and grass clippings must be packaged in biodegradable paper bags with no trash or sand.
- Branches and limbs should be cut into lengths of not more than four feet and bundled together.
- Christmas trees will be picked up the first two Mondays in January.
The Devens Utilities Department provides electricity, natural gas, water, and sewer services to all businesses and residents in Devens.
To make a change to your service, fill out the Utility Service Request Form and submit by email to or in person during its regular business hours.
The Devens Utilities Department also provides pole and conduit access for cable television and telecommunications, and antennae siting for wireless communications.
Devens Utilities
33 Andrews Parkway, Devens
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Xfinity and Verizon are the licensed providers of cable and telephone services to businesses and residents in Devens. Contact the company’s local customer service representatives for any questions related to your plan.

Financially empowering
MassDevelopment has been proud to lead the redevelopment of Devens as a thriving community home to hundreds of residents and a vibrant mix of businesses, nonprofits, and government organizations that employ about 10,000 workers. Financing products and real estate services are available for projects – from predevelopment to construction to permitting.

Workforce friendly
Hotels and meeting rooms. Shops and restaurants. More than 1,000 acres of open recreational space. With an abundance of great amenities, services, and attractions, Devens makes it easier to attract the high-caliber employees you need to stay competitive.